
Historical Summary:

HANNA is a 38 foot tri-cabin bridgedeck cruiser built in 1927 by the Schertzer Brothers in their yard of the north shore of Lake Union.

Originally christened as "Sandpiper II", she was built for Stanley Piper, Commodore for the Bellingham Yacht Club, and is one of the few Schertzer Brothers designed boats still gracing the inland waters of the Pacific Northwest.  Powered by a 65hp gas engine, and with a beam of only 9.5 feet and a draft of only 3 feet, she was able to make 14 knots underway and took First Place in the 1928 Olympia to Ketchikan Predicted Log Race.

Current owners, Don and Shyrl Eaton, of Friday Harbor, purchased her in 1996 from Ralph and Hanna French, early members of PNW Classic Yacht Association.

In 1998 the Eatons undertook extensive renovations, replacing 19 cedar planks, sistering in 55 new oak frames, refastening her entire hull, and partially rebuilding her transom.  The Eatons also replaced the strut, rudder post, thru-hull fittings, fuel tanks, water tank, refrigerator, stove, head, battery bank, and upgraded some of the interior layout and electrical systems.  In 2015 she was repowered with a 60hp Beta Marine Diesel.

The Eatons have cruised her regularly in the San Juan and Gulf Islands, with annual trips to Desolation Sound and as far north as the Broughton Islands.

In 2021 Hanna was damaged when heavy snow collapsed the boatsheds at Jensen's Boatyard in Friday Harbor, her home for 25 years.  Repairs were made by Haven Boatworks in Port Townsend, where the Eatons worked alongside the shipwrights for almost six months.  Hanna is now back at Jensen's Boatyard looking better than ever.

Boat Images

Sandpiper (Hanna) in Alaska Cruiser Race 1928
"Hanna" at Montague. Great photo of a classic, Mark Moore! [faceboook 9-9-19]